
Our Journeys

It is said that India is a continent more than a country. There is much merit to that, if all the components that go into the making of history, as well as geography are considered. India is a place a person find reason to be, a place where Buddha originated, where human civilization flourish first, place where kings conquered, place where various dynasties flourish, place where you find millions of colour with vibrant expressions and amazing people.

Travelling to India is an eye opener as when you visit it. While visiting India you cannot say that it was a journey rather you will say it’s an experience travelling to India. From great History, to amazing palaces, extra ordinary monuments, lifetime experience, never seen before lifestyle, exotic cuisines, and not to forget the most important aspect of this beautiful experience is the vibrant People. People with different dialects or languages, different lifestyle will give you a feel that you are not visiting one country but each destination is all together is a different country and will give an amazing and lifetime experience. As interesting as its physical features is the entire gamut of climates that continent runs through, from the snow-bound Himalayan frontiers with sub-zero temperatures to the smothering tropical heat of the south, from the Thar desert where the sun is omnipresent to the wetlands of the east. A vigorous civilization that has spanned at least 4500 years is bound to have left monumental marks.

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